Painting with 5-Star Paint Watercolours or Dyes:
Water Colour is a paint made with a water-soluble binder, which is thinned with water rather than oil to give a transparent colour. Create any colour with these fully intermixable paints that ensure a high standard of shade and transparency accuracy. You can use it straight from the tube or dilute it with water for effortless mixing and washes.

You will need:
5 Star Paint Tray
Watercolour Paper
HB pencil
Black Ink Tip Pen (optional)
Alternatively, this artwork can be created with Five Star Liquid Dye or Water Soluble Dye.

Step 1:
Draw or trace lightly (using HB pencil) the skyline silhouette onto watercolour paper.
Step 2:
Select five different colours to use and prepare them with a ratio of 2 parts water to 1 part Water Colour (for each colour) in the paint tray. Or you could try using one of our Painting Dyes

Step 3:
Begin painting at one end following the pencil outline and work your way along, changing colours as you go (remember to wash your brush for colour changes). To create the ‘dribble’ effect below the skyline, add extra paint at the bottom by dabbing your brush, then holding your paper up vertically to allow it to dribble.

Step 4:
Finally, sign your work like a true professional, either in paint or black ink tip pen looks effective once dry.
Once the painting is dry, add windows or extra features to your buildings using the Black Ink Tip Pen.
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